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During the recent WSSD 51 Board of Trustees meeting held on Monday, December 9th, Mr. Blake Bishop, the 2023-24 WSSD 51 Teacher of the Year and SC State Teacher of the Year Finalist, shared insights from the WSSD 51 Fall Community Survey. In an effort to gather feedback from our community stakeholders, WSSD 51 recently conducted a survey of our students, parents, and community members. This effort was focused on enhancing communication, engaging our community, and identifying our areas of strength as well as our opportunities for growth.

As a district, we used a variety of outreach methods to solicit feedback from our community including email & text messaging, social media platforms, school & community events and even a QR Code on an advertisement at Piggly Wiggly. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive and focused on four core areas: core values & culture, communication, community engagement, and safety. One of the most valuable sources of feedback was from our student population that focused on: high quality instruction, clear & consistent rule enforcement, strong connections with teachers, and extracurricular activities. Mr. Bishop also highlighted areas of opportunity for growth such as: continued communication from teachers concerning academic progress, increased publicity of upcoming events, and additional academic & extracurricular offerings at schools.

Ware Shoals School District 51 is committed to continuous improvement of our schools and facilities. Our goals for the next 5 years include: recruitment & retention of high quality staff, continued improvement of our safety & security, and updating & improving school district facilities.

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