This is Daniel Crockett, Superintendent of D51 Schools. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving—quite possibly my favorite holiday. I am ever mindful of the many blessings we have and enjoy each day. I am especially thankful for our dedicated, talented, and caring staff who work tirelessly to support our students in achieving their fullest potential. I am also deeply grateful to you, our parents, for your continued support and for entrusting us with the opportunity to serve your children. Your commitment helps make Ware Shoals School District 51 the special and thriving community that it is. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving - filled with rest and relaxation alongside family and friends.
about 1 month ago, Dr. Daniel Crockett
Third-year and fourth-year high school students are provided a unique opportunity to take the ACT or SAT during the school day for FREE through funding provided by our state. We believe this empowers students as they prepare for the day after graduation and the possibility of attending college. This testing is not mandatory. Use the link below to make your selection, parent consent is required. SAT- March 5, 2025 ACT-March 12, 2025 How are the SAT and ACT different? -Both SAT and ACT are accepted by most colleges in the U.S., and no preference is given to either test. -Both SAT and ACT are given digitally on your student laptop. -The SAT is shorter (2 hours and 14 minutes) than the ACT (2 hours and 55 minutes). -The SAT Math section has a built-in Desmos graphic calculator. The ACT does not. -The ACT reading passages have 10 questions each. The SAT reading passages have one question. -The ACT has four sections (reading, English, math, and science). The SAT has two sections (reading/writing and math).
about 2 months ago, Dr. Paula Taylor
Student, Staff, Parent and Community Survey Link:
3 months ago, Dr. Daniel Crockett
WSSD 51 - Logo
The S.C. Department of Public Health is partnering with Ware Shoals School District to provide flu vaccines to students for free. This optional clinic will be held on November 14th. If you'd like your child to receive a flu vaccine at their school use the link and code below to complete the online consent form. If you have any questions please contact our district nurse, Kim McClain, 864-456-7923 ext 2107. Ware Shoals Primary validation code: 12451022 Ware Shoals Middle validation code: 12451024 Ware Shoals High validation code: 12451020
3 months ago, Dr. Paula Taylor
Spanish Flyer
Please join us for our 2024 Hall of Fame Ceremony on Youtube using the link below!
4 months ago, WSSD 51
We had a great first day of the 2024-2025 school year! Click the link to see a short video of our day.
5 months ago, Dr. Paula Taylor
We are pleased to announce that all children attending Ware Shoals School District 51 will participate in the Community Eligibility Provision(CEP) program. This will allow all students to receive free nutritious meals for breakfast and lunch every school day. If you would like more information please visit Community Eligibility Provision.
5 months ago, Sharon Mann
media release
Save the Date! Ware Shoals School District 51's registration is set for July 10th from 11:00AM to 7:00PM. For those out of town, you can visit your child's school after that date. More information, including SNAPCODES and online registration information will be coming soon. Thank you and have a wonderful summer!
7 months ago, Dr. Daniel Crockett
Registration July 10th
Ware Shoals High is excited to announce that Sydney Smith has been selected as head volleyball coach. Ms. Smith is a talented educator and coach who is excited to begin working with our female athletes. Congratulations, Ms. Smith and GO HORNETS!
7 months ago, Dr. Daniel Crockett
Volleyball Coach - Sydney Smith
Please use the link below to view our 2024 Graduation Ceremony on Youtube. The program will go live at 7pm tonight. Congratulations Class of 2024!
7 months ago, WSSD 51
The School Climate survey is now available for Greenwood School District 51 parents! Parents can complete the survey via the Parent Portal in PowerSchool. This parent opinion survey was designed by the South Carolina Department of Education to measure perceptions of three factors: home and school relations, the school’s learning environment, and the school’s social and physical environment. Please consider completing this survey which will provide valuable information to our principals, schools and improvement teams. Here is the link to the portal:
9 months ago, Dr. Daniel Crockett
Parent Survey Announcement
The CDC and SCDHEC recently updated their COVID guidelines, eliminating the 5-day isolation period. You may now return to work/school after 24 hours fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicines and if the symptoms are significantly improving. If you have any questions, contact our district nurse, Mrs. Kim McClain.
10 months ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
The countdown is on for WSHS Class of 2024...100 days until graduation!
11 months ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
destination graduation
4K/5K pre-registration for the 2024-2025 school year will be held at Ware Shoals Primary February 26-March 1. Contact Mrs. Tiffany Norris at 861-2261 with any questions.
11 months ago, Dr. Paula Taylor
4K/5K Pre-Registration
Stay Hornet Healthy...get your free flu vaccine!
11 months ago, WSSD 51
Free Flu Vaccine Feb 1st 2024
Free Flu Vaccine January 31st 2024
Join us in welcoming Lauren (Guthrie) Weaver, Ware Shoals High Class of 2020, to our district teaching staff for 2024-25. Mrs. Weaver will be teaching Math at the high school, where she is currently doing an internship. We are so proud and thankful when WSH grads return home to teach! Learning, Serving, Leading, TEACHING!!
12 months ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
Power has been restored at Ware Shoals High. Let's have a great rest of the day!
12 months ago, Dr. Daniel Crockett
We would like to notify you that Ware Shoals High is currently without power. We have been in communication with local power companies and hope to get an accurate assessment of when power should be restored soon. We will keep you updated with any developments.
12 months ago, Dr. Daniel Crockett
THANKS to all who worked to restore power to our area! FYI...The Varsity basketball games scheduled for this evening in Calhoun Falls are being held as planned. Our district will operate on a normal schedule tomorrow, Thursday, January 11. #longestwinterbreakever
12 months ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
UPDATE: Power has not been restored in the Ware Shoals area. The estimated time of restoration is 12 PM. School is cancelled for today, January 10th. Plans for making up the day will be announced later. We will be back in touch about after school activities.
12 months ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse