Here is our revised schedule, approved by Region I Class A. The first varsity home game will be Monday, October 12th.
All tickets sold for the Whitmire game are still valid. There will be no refunds.
Homecoming and Senior Night are tentatively planned for the second home game vs McCormick on October 23rd.
Please see the revised schedule approved by Region I Class A. We will have our first varsity home game on Monday, October 12th. All tickets sold for the Whitmire game are still valid. There will be no refunds. Homecoming and Senior Night are tentatively planned for the second home game vs McCormick on October 23rd.
Would you please share this link for Christmas Is For Kids (CIFK)? This is going to be an especially rough year for both the children who are receiving and for our children who are trying to raise funds for this worthy program.
If you have a desire to contribute, please do so, but sharing it will be as important. If you have any questions of concerns, please feel free to contact me.
The Go Fund Me url for the CIFK Campaign is:
Gene Wood
Ware Shoals Learning Academy
Yearbooks are on sale for $65. Purchase now to get your name on the cover for free. Go to OR contact the high school office.
Attention: Juniors/Seniors
Order Class Rings and/or Graduation Supplies
For Rings, scroll down and click on “Jewelry- Shop Now”.
For Cap and Gown Packages, scroll down and click on “Seniors- Shop Now”.
Deadline to Order: September 29 by Midnight.
Senior Celebration Day: October 1st from 2:30- 4:00 PM (Drive-Thru Pickup)
Ware Shoals HS/MS Bass fishing team will be having its first team meeting on Tuesday, September 22 at 6:00 pm in the high school auditorium. We will be issuing all team information for the year at this meeting. We will also discuss the new tournament schedule and sponsorship information. Hope to see you there.
Ticket Information
2020 CENSUS...only 14 days remain! The census impacts schools, educators, students, and families for the next 10 years. We're below our 2010 response rate, which could decrease funding for schools for the next ten years. It only takes 10 minutes...please be counted!
Help us share this message, too.
Ware Shoals High: Football Game Day Operations
1.) 300 tickets will be available (presold) for home attendance to allow for social distancing in the stands. “Standing room only” areas will be marked and limited to 2 fans per section. Players will have the opportunity to purchase 2 tickets in advance in the high school office until Thursday morning at 8:30AM. ($7 each)
2.) An allotment of tickets will be provided to the visiting team.
3.) NO TICKETS FOR SALE ONSITE. Home tickets will be sold for $7 each at the
Ware Shoals Community Library during the week of the game. SCHSL
passes are the only passes to be honored. (The ticket price is set by Region
4.) Students in grades 8 and under, must be accompanied by a ticketed adult.
5.) Home fans will enter though main gate. Social distancing is expected, and
masks are required in the stadium.
6.) Visitors enter through the baseball gate. They may choose to be seated in
the baseball stands or may bring lawn chairs for field level seating. Visitor
restrooms will be located at the entrance to the baseball stands.
7.) All spectators are to remain on their team’s side during the entire game.
8.) Signs will be posted with occupancy limits at entrances to the home
9.) Separate concession stands will be available for fans. The visitors’ stand
will be located at the baseball concession stand. Correct change ONLY.
Only prepackaged items will be sold – drinks are $2 and snacks are $1.
10.)A limit of 20 vehicles will be allowed to enter the back gate WITH tickets
for each occupant...and ONLY with a handicapped sticker.
11.)WSHS Band will be seated on the Field House balcony to allow for more
spectator seating in the stands.
12.)Cheerleaders and band will not travel to away games. (This was decided by
Region 1.)
13.)Fans are to observe social distancing with non-family members and all
others who arrive separately. This includes “standing room only” areas in
the end zone.
14.)All fans are asked to leave the stadium immediately after the contest to
avoid large gatherings.
D51 Bus Station Ribbon Cutting
Today bus drivers moved to their new "home" at 42 Sparks Avenue. This property has been used for storage for several years, but a portion of it has been renovated as the D51 Bus Station. This space provides the facility needs for sanitizing buses each day - power, water, and storage space.
We appreciate our drivers and all they will be doing to keep our students safe.
"The Wheels on the Bus" will go "'round and 'round" beginning Monday, as students return to school on the A/B schedule. Purple Hornets attend Monday (Group A) and Gold Hornets attend Tuesday (Group B).
Pictured, from left: Mr. Wooten, Rev. Davis, Ms. Stewart, Ms. Story, Ms. Wells, Dr. Sprouse, Ms. Wagner, Ms. Hellams, and Ms. Thomas.
A/B Days Procedures:
The front doors will open at 7:15AM each day. Prior to 7:30AM, you must enter through the front doors and proceed to the auditorium. Starting at 7:30AM you may enter through the front or the back gate nearest the lunchroom. If you do not wish to eat breakfast, please proceed directly to the gym.
After 7:30AM, if you wish to eat breakfast, you may leave the auditorium via the side stairway to the lunchroom to pick it up and proceed to the gym. Those not eating breakfast will remain in the auditorium.
We will follow the bell schedule attached to this article. The baseball stands and the gym are the designated areas for lunch. You will be called by classroom to go through the lunch line and proceed to either of the two areas. Social distance must be maintained in either area.
Early afternoon bus riders will be excused a couple of minutes early to go to the cafeteria and pick up meals for the next day, followed by the remaining bus riders/car riders/walkers. You’ll exit the building though the cafeteria after getting your meals.
Sr.’s with early dismissal after 4th/5th/6th periods will pick up their meals for the next day before leaving campus.
Please bring your own water, as the fountains are disconnected. We will soon have portable stations for refilling water bottles.
On the first day you will be issued a school mask (see image). Students will be required to wear their school issued mask at all times (unless socially distanced in a classroom as defined by your teacher).
If you forget your school issued mask, you may purchase a disposable one for $1.
Ware Shoals Volleyball Game Day Protocol
Face Coverings
Coaches are required to wear face coverings when they are not able to social distance.
Non-participating athletes are required to wear face coverings if they cannot social distance while on the bench.
Warm-Up Balls
Each team must provide their own warm up balls.
Water will not be provided at games. Athletes need to bring her own water bottle.
Locker Room
Locker rooms will not be available to guest athletes to change clothes. Athletes need to arrive completely dressed for the game.
The girl’s locker room will have a designated bathroom for the visiting team.
WSHS scorer, libero tracker, and clock keeper will be the only personnel allowed at the scorer’s table. Face coverings must be worn.
Visiting personnel will sit with their teams’ bench.
Teams will not switch benches between games.
Home Fans
· Per Board Policy ALL fans are required to wear a mask while inside the building at all times. You will not be admitted to the facility without a mask and one WILL NOT be provided.
· Fans will be allowed to enter the gym at 5:00pm.
· Home fans will park in the back parking lot and enter through the back of the gym.
· A restroom facility for females and handicapped patrons is located on the main floor near the men’s restroom entrance to downstairs.
· Male spectators will make use of the restroom located at the bottom of the stairs opposite the scoreboard observing limited occupancy and distancing guidelines as well.
· Each JV and Varsity player from each team will be given 2 tickets free of charge. No one will be admitted without said tickets.
No one is allowed on the playing court at any time.
Please sit as a family. Maintain social distance between you and another family.
When the game is over fans need to exit the facility through the door they came in and wait outside for their student athlete.
Visiting Fans
· Per Board Policy ALL fans are required to wear a mask while inside the building at all times. You will not be admitted to the facility without a mask and one WILL NOT be provided.
· Visitors will be allowed to enter the gym at 5:00pm.
· Visiting teams and fans should enter the gym from the front of the High School via the breezeway into the gym where visiting sections will be clearly marked.
· A restroom facility for females and handicapped patrons is located on the main floor near the Men’s restroom stairs.
· Only visiting teams will be allowed into the girls’ locker-room.
· Male spectators will make use of the restroom located at the bottom of the stairs opposite the scoreboard observing limited occupancy and distancing guidelines as well.
· Each JV and Varsity player from each team will be given 2 tickets free of charge. No one will be admitted without said tickets. EVERY OCCUPANT regardless of age will require a ticket
· Visiting team should email us a roster the day prior to our match.
No one is allowed on the playing court at any time.
Fans must leave the gym immediately after the game and wait on their athlete outside.
Visitor parking is in front of Ware Shoals High School.
Visitor seating will be in the first two sections of the bleachers closest to the entrance and will be marked.
Please sit as a family. Maintain social distance between you and another family.
When the game is over fans need to exit the facility through the door they came in and wait outside for their student athlete.
· Concessions will not be sold and all fans are asked to leave the gym immediately via the proper exit after the contest. You will not be allowed to re-enter the gym once you leave.
Be sure to take a look at the resources here on our website.
Under the COVID-19 link, found on the district website's banner, you'll find Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 and the Hotspots/Internet Connections, the DHEC Exclusion List, Quick Facts, and many others.
The A/B Calendar is found under the Reopen 2020 link, showing the Purple Hornet and Gold Hornet days.
If you have any questions, reach out to us. We're happy to help!
WSSD 51 has been approved to provide FREE MEALS to ALL students and children 18 years and younger in our community. Children do not have to be enrolled in WSSD 51 to be eligible.
All Distance Learning students and children not enrolled in our district must sign up (use link below) to receive the free meals for pick-up Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00 am – 11:00 am.
SIGN UP TODAY OR TOMORROW by 3:00PM to ensure meals for next week.
Sign up is required each week for all meal requests and will begin after 3:00 pm each Thursday and end the following Tuesday at 3:00 pm.
Sign up here for next week's meals:
High School students in Cohort A (see photo as an example) will begin Monday Sept. 14th.
Tuesday will be a "B" Day...Please check your schedules that were given out during Registration.
Elearning and Distance learning meals will be ready for pickup and delivery starting Thursday August 27th. Bus delivery meals will go out from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm at the Ware Shoals High School. Beginning Monday, August 31st, we will start our meal pickup and delivery of meals on Mondays and Wednesdays while elearning and distance learning programs are in progress. Please contact our Food Services Supervisor with any questions or concerns. Thank you!
WSSD51 E-Learning/Distance pick up & delivery meal plan
REMINDER: After 3 pm today, all requests need to be completed for breakfast and lunch meals for enrolled students of WSSD 51 to receive meals for the week of Aug 31st to Sept 8th. This plan requires families to sign up prior to the Thursday of each week at 3:00 pm. Please sign up using the link below. Please read the form carefully for more detailed information. Thank you!
WSSD 51 has implemented a meal plan for students to participate in pick up/delivery of breakfast & lunch during eLearning or Distance learning. This plan requires families to sign up in advance using the form in the link below. Sign up now!