Contact tracing

Since starting school on the hybrid model, our district has experienced its first COVID-19 cases. DHEC reports the number of cases in schools and districts each week on Tuesday and Friday at 

From contact tracing, those who may have had close contact with positive individuals, either at school or at home, have been asked to self-quarantine. This is out of an abundance of caution to try to keep community spread under control. 

Our schools remain open, as these cases are considered isolated. We continue to employ preventive practices each day. We are in touch with DHEC officials regularly, and we will continue to keep you informed of cases. If the need arises for our instructional model to change, we will give you 5 days’ notice if possible.

We assure you that we are prepared to handle these situations, and our goal is to  always keep you informed. We rely on you to let us know immediately if a student or family member tests positive so that we can keep others safe. If your child has symptoms, do not send him/her to school. 

Call our district nurse Tonja Lindle (864-377-0587) or the DHEC Care Line (855-472-3432) if you have any questions or concerns.