Graduation BB

THURSDAY, JULY 22nd: We welcome students back to school! This is the year we transition to the modified year-round schedule, approved by the school board in January of 2020, as a result of Greenwood 50’s decision to go year-round. All three Greenwood County districts  share the Russell Technology Center and collaborate in other ways, so all needed to adopt the same schedule. Students and teachers attend the same number of days (180/190), but the summer break is shorter in order to have more frequent breaks throughout the year. Here is the calendar:

ONLINE REGISTRATION BEGINS JULY 8th: For students in grades 1-12, much of this year’s registration process can be completed online. The registration link and a "how-to" will be posted on our website soon. Students' SNAPCODES and other registration information will be emailed to student accounts prior to July 8th. SNAPCODES can be found on students' end of year report cards as well.

ONSITE REGISTRATION JULY 13th: Parents are asked to come to school, if possible, on July 13th from 11AM-7PM to pick up devices, get homeroom assignments, pay fees, and meet teachers. Parents are welcome to use our schools computers on July 13th to complete this process, where staff members will be on hand to assist as needed.  

FEES: For WSP and WSM the fees are $30($5 for the agenda + $25 technology fee). For WSH the fee is $25 for technology, but students may have additional fees for CATE classes, yearbook, etc. 

SUPPLIES: WSP students only need to supply a book bag, WSM student supply lists are posted on the WSM website ( ). High school students will receive a list from each teacher on the first day of school.