Ware Shoals Elementary/Middle seeks a School Nurse who, under the supervision of the Principal and District Nurse, promotes the health and well-being of all students by providing services such as assessments, first aid, counseling and emergency care. Apply online or in person. If you have questions, contact Principal Nancy Brown, nbrown@gwd51.org or 864-456-7496.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
Ware Shoals Primary School seeks a Teacher Assistant who, under the direction of a certified teacher, provides small group or individual instruction for identified students. Apply online or in person. If you have questions, contact Principal Jason Morrison, jmorrison@gwd51.org or 864-861-2261.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
VACANCY: Ware Shoals High School - English. Apply on CERRA, and notify Principal Paul Anderson at panderson@gwd51.org if you would like to join our team!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
What time is it??? It’s Ware Shoals Primary School PTO Duck Race Time!!!! It’s our 8th annual WSPS PTO Duck Race! Due to COVID-19, we are selling our ducks a little differently this year. Ducks are now available for online purchase through our PayPal and Venmo accounts. You will not receive a raffle ticket this year, your receipt from your online purchase will be your entry into the race. Purchase as many ducks as you would like and help us raise money for our school. We will have our duck race at the park (details are below) and you do not have to be present to win. We will go live that day on Facebook and you can watch from the comfort of your home or wherever you like. Cost Per Duck: $2.00 per duck. Payment Options: PayPal (paypal.me/wspspto) or Venmo (www.venmo.com/wspspto) When: Saturday, June 27, 2020 Time: 11:00 am Where: Irving Pitts Memorial Park 2283 Power House Rd, Ware Shoals, SC 29692 Hosted By: WSPS PTO Top Prizes: 1. Disney Package (10 tickets) 2. Great Wolf Lodge Package 3. Myrtle Beach Package
over 4 years ago, Jason Morrison
Ware Shoals Primary 2020 Duck Race
Learning...Serving...Leading....and THANKING Rachel McCarthy and her children for creating this wonderful thank you card for the staff of WSPS, our bus drivers, and our food service workers for all they have done this year. We know there are many thankful families out there, but it meant so much to all of us to see and read this homemade gift, created out of love!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
Thank you card
Thank you card
Thank you letter
Today, Gov. McMaster announced that schools will not reopen this year. We understand the need to safeguard the health of our students and families. We will continue instruction through eLearning and learning packets. Let's work hard so we won't be behind when school resumes!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Natalie Bishop to our learning community! She will teach at Ware Shoals Primary next year. WELCOME to WSSD 51!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
Natalie Bishop
Today the O'Dell Corporation donated masks they made for our staff and volunteers - purple and gold ones to show our school pride! Join us in thanking them for supporting our school district and our community. (Shown, L to R: Eric Cox, WSSD Safety Coordinator, Mark Lowe, O'Dell Corporation, Dr. Fay Sprouse, WSSD Superintendent)
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
O'Dell donation of masks
Meal delivery and pick-up tomorrow (Apr 8) will supply food for Wed-Fri. Starting next week, drive-through pick-up of food at the high school will be 9-10:00 AM instead of 8-9:00 AM. Bus delivery times will remain the same. Stay well!
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
Food delivery
Everyone can look forward to a break from eLearning and Learning Packets next week. SPRING BREAK is almost here! Learning packets for students in K-3rd grades should be picked up at WSPS the Monday after spring break - (April 13th) from 8-12. Those who have been working on learning packets may drop off completed work at that time as well. Meal deliveries and pick-up will continue during spring break - Monday through Wednesday. On Wednesday, three days of food will be distributed. If you have any questions, call the district or the school at 864-456-7496, tech support at 864-456-7500, or email us. Stay healthy and safe!
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
WSPS packet pickup
Census data ensures our schools receive their fair share of resources. Ensuring every resident in South Carolina is counted during the 2020 census will help our schools for the next 10 years. Please go to www.my2020census.gov and complete your census today. Share this post and tag three friends challenging them to complete their census! #CountMeInSC #SCCounts2020
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
Census graphic
Today Gov. McMaster announced that SC schools will be closed through April 30. Our state superintendent will be providing guidance on student work soon, relaxing course and time requirements. We want students to continue learning but not be overwhelmed. More info coming soon!
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
Free breakfast and lunch for children ages 18 and under can be picked up from 8-9AM at the WSH cafeteria, behind the high school. Buses will deliver meals throughout the district starting at 8AM. We will serve any child! Stand outside to flag us down if not a regular bus rider.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
delivering meals to students
Beginning 3-19-20 WSSD51 will provide free breakfast and lunch to children. Meals can be picked up at regular bus stops or students may pick up their meals from 8-9 AM. Pick up location is the WSH cafeteria, behind the high school. Children must be present to receive meals.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
Lunch lane
Lunch prep
The Early Release Day, scheduled for March 25, has been moved to next Wednesday, March 18 to allow time for teachers to do emergency lesson plans. The State Dept. is requiring 2 weeks of plans in case DHEC orders schools closed due to the Coronavirus. We want to be prepared!
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
Community of Readers WSP welcomed guest readers from the district office and WSH Teacher Cadets today. Every classroom had a guest reader!
almost 5 years ago, Audrey Thompson
Dr. Crockett's Read Aloud
1st grade read aloud with a high school Teacher Cadet
Ware Shoals High School Teacher Cadets were ready to read to our classes!
One Book, One School To celebrate Read Across America Week, WSP was treated to a read aloud by Mr. Morrison over the intercom. The entire school paused this morning to hear a fairy tale full of fun, excitement, and wild voices!
almost 5 years ago, Audrey Thompson
Mr. Morrison reads aloud over the intercom to the entire school.
Ware Shoals School District will be on a 2 hour delay tomorrow (Friday, February 21) due to a forecast of possible black ice on the roadways. Temperatures are predicted to drop below freezing around 4am and continue to hover at or below freezing for several hours. We will further assess weather conditions in the morning. If we need to delay further or cancel school we will be back in touch around 7am. Safety is our number one priority!
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Fay Sprouse
WSSD51 remains committed to early childhood education. We are proud to offer a rigorous 4k curriculum and have top tier teachers (and assistants) who are preparing our students for 5k! Registration for 4K and new 5K students will be held Feb 24-28 (9:00-2:00PM) at WSP.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Daniel Crockett
4k Photos
4k Photo
4k Photo
Very proud of all the students who came out to our SAT Prep session on Monday night! Research indicates that 20 hours of studying for the SAT typically increases scores 30 to 70 points. These students understand that extra efforts lead to great results!
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Daniel Crockett
SAT Prep!